A range of personalized subscription offerings.

Athena Club


Operating on the principle of recurring orders, Athena Club offers its customers a range of personalized subscriptions, enabling delivery directly to their doorstep.

LEEROY Creative Agency was commissioned by Athena Club to develop a custom e-commerce platform. The website was also designed to support an automated shipping system to ensure multiple deliveries at different frequencies to subscribers.


Develop a platform on time and perfectly tailored to Athena Club's unique model for the highly anticipated launch of the brand.

While it's possible to make one-time purchases directly on the site, the strength of this e-commerce site lies in its subscription system. The goal is to allow the consumer to create one or more subscriptions in just a few clicks and choose the shipping frequency, while retaining the freedom to pause shipments, add or remove products as desired.

As an e-commerce creative agency, Leeroy has developed sophisticated functionalities to personalize the customer experience, such as an integrated and automated email system triggered by certain actions taken on the website. To achieve this, numerous tracking mechanisms have been integrated into the site and throughout the purchasing journey. This not only allows for tracking consumer behavior and engaging them with tailored content but also optimizes digital campaigns to make them as effective as possible and achieve sales objectives.
